Working Mother, Successful Businesswoman: Keri Thaler

Keri Thaler is a prime example of how to succeed as a working mother and a businesswoman. Not only has Keri Thaler enjoyed a tremendously successful career, currently working as the Vice President of Marketing for Frontier Title Company in Katy, Texas, but throughout her career she has achieved it all while at the same time being there for every step in the development of her children’s lives.

That is no small accomplishment, and it is a testament to the strength of character which Keri Thaler possesses. She attributes this strength to her Christian faith, which has been a strong force in her life and has helped her through many hardships.

As a working mother, Keri Thaler knows how difficult life can be, and she is constantly battling to achieve the right balance between success in the business world and being there for her family. In this, Keri Thaler says her faith is a great inspiration, and the place she always turns if she is ever in any doubt. But Keri Thaler does not need to doubt very often, since she has enjoyed career successes that would be the envy of many while raising children whose behavior and achievements would be the envy of still more.

Keri Thaler’s life as a working mother and successful businesswoman has brought her a great deal of joy. Keri Thaler says that she is thankful every day for the privileges that have been bestowed upon her and that she always seeks to return the favor to anyone she can.

Keri Thaler Combines Faith and Business Ethic

Keri Thaler brings her Christian faith and hard working business ethic together to form a successful whole. In her professional capacity as the Vice President of Marketing at Frontier Title Company in Katy, Texas, Keri Thaler is known as a hard worker and a dedicated member of the team who always strives to reach her goals. In that striving, however, Keri Thaler never fails to showcase her unswerving dedication to her own code of morals and ethics, operating with a high level of integrity in everything she does.

That code of morals and ethics is strongly informed by Keri Thaler’s Christian faith, which she believes deeply in and which helps give her strength. Keri Thaler’s faith provides the drive to succeed and the moral fiber to refuse to compromise in that pursuit. Maintaining her faith is one of Keri Thaler’s proudest achievements.

Keri Thaler

Keri Thaler

Faith is important in the business world, Keri Thaler believes, as it provides a moral backbone and compass in a place where sometimes these values can become muddled. Keri Thaler’s faith has always served as a guiding light for her conduct through the business world.

Combining faith and morals also applies in Keri Thaler’s private life, in which she is a working mother who always makes time for her children, as well as a dedicated volunteer and charity organizer. Faith and morality inform her private life in many ways, and Keri Thaler is thankful every day for the strength she has been given to carry on through this faith.

Charitable Giving for the Soul with Keri Thaler

During the holiday season it is more important than ever to think about giving to charity. Keri Thaler is no stranger to the concept, as she gives to many charities, both her time and her money, all year round. But even for a committed philanthropist and volunteer like Keri Thaler, the holidays are a special time. Giving back to the community as part of the holiday spirit has a special appeal that makes everyone involved feel good inside, says Keri Thaler. Here are three ways to give back this season.

Keri Thaler

Keri Thaler

Volunteer. Charities are always looking for extra volunteers at this time of year, says Keri Thaler. Soup kitchens serving holiday meals are a prime example and a great way to get started if you are new to volunteering. Sign up today and be prepared to experience an unforgettable event that will help you see your world in a new light, says Keri Thaler.

Organize. If there is nothing that you want to volunteer for, organize your own event, advises Keri Thaler. It could be a clothing drive, a food drive, or any number of other charitable events to raise needed items for the less fortunate. Keri Thaler says that every little bit helps.

Give. For some this is the hardest way, and for some the easiest, but giving monetary donations is always welcome, says Keri Thaler. Charitable programs are not free, and any donation helps make the lives of others just that much better. It’s easy as the click of a button these days, says Keri Thaler. And you will feel good about it, she guarantees.

Keri Thaler on Professionalism

Keri Thaler is a big believer in professionalism and in maintaining a professional demeanor. Keri Thaler has been lauded for her professionalism on numerous occasions in her capacity as Vice President and Marketing Director of Frontier Title Company in Katy, TX. Many co-workers and clients have commented on the way Keri Thaler maintains her professional demeanor at all times. When asked about the importance of maintaining a professional demeanor, Keri Thaler offered a number of reasons.

Keri Thaler

Keri Thaler

  • Appearance. Presenting a professional appearance is always important in the business world, says Keri Thaler. You are more likely to be respected, and your views and opinions are more likely to be taken seriously if you act like a professional.
  • Advancement. Professionals who act like professionals tend to advance in their companies faster than those who don’t, says Keri Thaler. The opportunities for advancement are there, and it’s up to the professional to grab them.
  • Acting the part. There is no substitute for the value of acting the part, says Keri Thaler. Many studies have shown that people who take their jobs seriously and act professionally tend to experience more success and gain more satisfaction than those who treat their jobs like a chore. Keri Thaler believes strongly in the power of behavior to increase satisfaction. Behaving like a professional can actually make you be more professional. It may seem strange, but it is true, says Keri Thaler.

These are just a few of the ways Keri Thaler believes her professional demeanor has guided her to success.

Developing Business Relationships With Keri Thaler

When it comes to creating a thriving business, Keri Thaler relies on her ability to develop business relationships. By developing relationships with her clients rather than just simply trying to sell them a service, Keri Thaler creates customer loyalty and gains more business through referrals. Developing business relationships is an integral component to Keri Thaler’s strategy as the Vice President and Marketing Director of Frontier Title Company. Learn more about developing business relationships from Keri Thaler.

Keri Thaler

Keri Thaler

A Sense of Trust

First and foremost, when developing a relationship with your clients it is important that you instill a sense of trust in them. As Keri Thaler asserts, consumers want to bring their business to a company that they know and trust. This means that you must show your customers why you are trustworthy. Keri Thaler suggests that you do this through customer satisfaction and policies that reflect the client as the top priority. This will show clients that they are more important than your company’s bottom line, and it will encourage them to continue patronizing your company.

Loyalty Brings Sales

As Keri Thaler states, customer loyalty will bring sales to your business. First, loyal customers will become repeat customers as they continue to develop a longstanding relationship with your business. Second, loyal customers bring more business in the form of reviews and referrals. Keri Thaler argues that satisfied customers will provide your business with good reviews that draw in more business, and they will also refer your company to their friends and family.

Keri Thaler On Networking

As any business professional knows, networking is key to success. Through networking, individuals create professional relationships and use their network to their advantage. Keri Thaler, the Vice President and Marketing Director of Frontier Title Company, is a master of networking and cultivating key business connections. Keri Thaler uses networking every day to reach new clients, build support for her company, and expand her personal network of business contacts. With these tips form Keri Thaler, you can become an expert at networking in your industry.

Keri Thaler

Keri Thaler

Creating Professional Relationships

The first part of networking is creating professional relationships. One way to do this, which has worked for Keri Thaler, is to join professional organizations. There are many different professional organizations out there; for example, Keri Thaler belongs to Business Networking International (BIN), the Women’s Council of Realtors, and the Katy Chamber of Commerce. This is an excellent array of organizations because it represents different areas of Keri Thaler’s business life. While one organization, BIN, is global, the other two are based on gender and location.

Using Your Network

The next step in networking is to actively use your network to cultivate new business and generate support for your business. The best way to do this, as Keri Thaler advises, is to create incentives for your contacts to help you by helping them as well. For example, if a business contact sends a new client toward Keri Thaler, she will then do her best to return the favor. This both further cultivates her business relationships and builds her business.

The Importance of Social Media: Keri Thaler

In the Digital Age, social media use has become more important than ever to the success of your company. As a successful businesswoman in Texas, Keri Thaler knows that social media use is key. Because of this, Keri Thaler is active on many social media networks, as is her business, Frontier Title Company. Keri Thaler is active on Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube, and Frontier Title Company has a presence on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Using these social media networks has allowed Keri Thaler and her business to thrive and reach new customers.

Keri Thaler

Keri Thaler

Expanding Your Reach

First, social media use allows brands to expand their reach. Consider this: the top social media networks have millions, even billions of users. Keri Thaler states that by being present on social media, you can greatly expand your reach and your potential customer base. Furthermore, Keri Thaler asserts that having a presence on social media is not just about having a profile. You can also create ads and sponsored posts on many social media networks, which allow you to reach even more people.

Engaging With Customers

Social media is also the best place to engage with your customers. Keri Thaler knows that when brands connect with their customers on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks, it increases brand loyalty and can lead to greater sales. To engage with your customers on social media, Keri Thaler advises you to post exciting updates that users will want to share. Furthermore, it can be helpful to seek out the feedback of your customers on social media.

Keri Thaler Loves Working With Kids

As both a mother and regular donor to charity, Keri Thaler loves working with kids. There are many different ways that one can work with children. Keri Thaler enjoys volunteering with local charities to help kids in her area. By working with children, you are helping those who truly need assistance. If the kids whom you are working with have no support system or are the victim of a poor home situation, they likely have no where else to turn. Keri Thaler believes that working with children is a valuable endeavor that is necessary in our society.

Keri Thaler

Keri Thaler

Charitable Efforts

One of the best ways to work with children is through charitable efforts. Keri Thaler both supports and volunteers for Sunshine Kids, an organization that provides group activities to kids that have cancer. Through this organization, kids who suffer from cancer are able to find a supportive environment, an understanding peer group, and an experience that is both fun and positive. No matter where you live, there is certain to be an organization in your area that works with kids who are in need. Keri Thaler suggests that you seek out local charities such as those that aid children who are homeless, impoverished, or face abuse in their homes.

 The Joy of Children

Ultimately, Keri Thaler believes that working with children brings joy to our lives. As a mother, Keri Thaler understands the joy of children and believes that all children need a positive influence in their lives. Because of this, Keri Thaler truly values the time she has spent working with children in her community.

Choosing a Real Estate Career With Keri Thaler

As a professional in the real estate and land title industries, Keri Thaler enjoys her career. Keri Thaler is the Vice President and Marketing Director at Frontier Title Company, a business that specializes in property titles, closing transactions, and title insurance. With this exciting career, Keri Thaler works with a wide range of clients dealing with real estate law and legal business transactions. Keri Thaler would strongly recommend a profession in the real estate industry to anyone who enjoys working with people as well as the law.

Keri Thaler

Keri Thaler


An Exciting Field

There are many exciting fields in the real estate industry. Keri Thaler enjoys working with property titles because it allows her to combine her knowledge of the business and legal worlds. A certified notary in Texas, Keri Thaler has specialized knowledge that allows her to succeed in her industry. Furthermore, the real estate industry is an exciting place to work because it allows you to work with people and encounter new experiences. Keri Thaler loves that she able to meet and help new people every day.

A Wide Range of Options

The real estate industry is also beneficial to prospective employees because it offers a wide range of options. While Keri Thaler works with titles, you can work as a real estate agent, broker, property manager, land developer, appraiser, and much more. The real estate industry is extremely varied and continuing to grow. Keri Thaler suggests that you consider the real estate industry, as it offers not only excitement but also many different employment options.

Keri Thaler On Being a Mother & Professional

For working women such as Keri Thaler, it can often be difficult to create a balance between one’s personal life and one’s career. When it comes to succeeding as a working mother, there are a few key ways that one can ensure that neither aspect of her life is neglected. Keri Thaler is able to do this well by balancing her time. Here’s how Keri Thaler manages being both a mother and a working professional.

Balancing Your Time

The most important part of being a working mother is balancing your time. To do this, Keri Thaler suggests adopting a daily schedule. With the schedule, you can keep track of your work hours and commitments as well as your family commitments, such as taking the kids to school and participating in parent teacher conferences. In addition, Keri Thaler recommends that you work with your employer to ensure that you can have a schedule that works for you.

Keri Thaler

Keri Thaler

Working as a Family Unit

When it comes to being a working mother, nothing is more valuable than communication. Keri Thaler works to ensure that she is able to handle both her work commitments and her family commitments. Keri Thaler advises you to communicate with your family about responsibilities and expectations that you have. By sharing family responsibilities, whether sharing them with a partner or with your children, you will be able to succeed as a working mother. Keri Thaler also believes that it is important to teach your children the value of hard work in addition to shared responsibilities.